Calibration Procedure


The calibration procedure for an input or output will be the same regardless of which operation is being performed.


  1. Zero Input: Source a zero mV value to the terminals.  Press the Calibrate button.

  2. Span Input: Source a specific mV value to the terminals and enter the value in the box.  Press the Calibrate button.

  3. Zero Output: Press the Ready button, which will set the output to 0%, or 4 mA.  Measure the current at the terminals and input the measured value.  In the number box, use the arrows or tap the box to enter the value with the key pad.  Press the Calibrate button.

  4. Span Output:  Press the Ready button, which will set the output to 100%, or 20 mA.  Measure the current at the terminals and input the measured value.  In the box, use the arrows or tap the box to enter the value with the key pad.  Press the Calibrate button.

  5. Cold Junction Trim:  Enter the temperature of the input.